Saturday, January 30, 2010


SS 8:7 Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it.............
Wet season up here: gathered together this morning with some Injinoo mob. Receiving kisses from and kissing Daddy God. Cheering.
Funeral yesterday. Are we going to stay ripped off? Or bust out in treasures from the deep. The kingdom of Heaven is within us. God gave the best heaven had. Are we going to keep trying to drag the most high God into court to press charges?:
Message version of the bible says job 40:2 (God speaking:) "are you going to haul me, the Mighty One, into court and press charges?"
You can either build a case against someone or agree with the case that is for them.
Jesus the best bliss.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

V 7

Boost session with a family just over the road from our digs.
Sharing songs, contacts, laughs.
The children lined up on the bench beside me with their baloons (given by Hitchener crew). Some of our team were told a testimony of a little child who could not walk being healed and walking (On the last trip some of this team laid hands on this small one! )Yip, yip, yay. We dropped in to a family of a famous soccer player who had died recenty. They lived in a village just out of the Capitol. The village is the biggest in Vanuatu I was told. Went to airport and said goodbye to v town and one of the team. Peace to Vanuatu.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Breif day 6 V town!

-Two baptisms early this morning.
-On a search to deliver mail from Australia to a little girl named Dolce.
-Walking the streets of Port Villa and Iririki with a local- singing together.
-Hospital showing more vacant beds- We sing and dance again: catching glimpses of bliss. Jesus solution plus. Playing silly fellas with some of the children and them busting out wonderful responses. Saying goodbye to some of our singing partners as we are booked to fly out tomorrow.
-To the central fruit and vegies market in Vanuatu where I was invited to share some of my experience with Jesus-Over the loud speaker: In the name of Jesus we have the victory! People asked us for healing. We laid hands on them in Jesus name: right there in the middle of the bananas and mangoes. Jesus in us and absolutely blissin over us.

Day five alive

Today we drove further, along a really good road. We arrived at this small village with our big brother Benson driving and his two little princesses in the Van with us (they were ready for a swim .....floaty rings and all) we pulled up to a stop right outside one village shack. The team leader was aware that the owner of this place was in a wheelchair. We prayed on him and encouraged him to walk. He stood to his feet then sat back down. Then I went for a swim with Benson and his two daughters. The rest of our crew made their way to another house (hut). I saw these young fellas carrying a canoe down to the ocean. Keen to help I approached and asked if i could lift it with them. We carried it down to the sea's edge. I had my flippers and was cheering for a swim. One young fella offered a ride in the outrigger type canoe and said he would drop me off out the back of the breakers. So yay, I was paddling a canoe with the locals(so fun).Then one of our crew called for me and we went to pray, sing and dance with the oldest man in the village. He had some no good disease ripping him off and sometimes he would motion like he wanted to punch me. The Holy Spirit is so strong.

Another old fella cut fresh paw-paw for us and we ate it together in his rest area near the beach. After our swim we went to the creek to rinse a local fella rigged up a pipe to the stream so we could squat and shower.

More vacant beds were showing when we arrived at the hospital. Jesus is in a good mood with us.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The man who grabbed the uke in sick bed is now out of hospital.

Yesterday in v town (day four).

Walked down slippery paths into villages to spread the cheer. Hitchener kids handing out baloons to children here and there: Testing out their lungs in the stickyness. Laughing, singing, smiles and cheer. Our v local family shared songs with us.

Swims in saltwater.

Went back to spread the goodness song in the hospital to find out that the guy that grabbed the uke and busted out song (who reported after his pain was gone) was now no longer in the hospital. JESUS GOODNESS PLUS.
One young fellow with cornrows in his hair walked up to me and jordo in the hospital saying: 'so what do we do now?' (he was keen to flow out the merry tunes). I was happy to see that this young mans friend's bed was in the cubicle down from where our song broke out the other 3 nights. So the love song spreads like fire. We had a buzzing time singing with our young brothers and i was dancing in the middle of the cubicle. Celebrate JESUS. Expressions of Joy

Monday, January 11, 2010

Vanuatu Brief

Brief after 3rd day:

Hospital blissin:
` hands on sick- sick getting well
` Jammin on the uke and kazoo in the hospital- happy tunes from many voices inside one whole section of the hospital (e good for sing sing: pain go). Dancing in the hospital. Cheering in the hospital. healing in the hospital.

Village blissin:
`walking into villages- song breaking out: sharing tunes together. Baptisim.
`smiling, dancing, kazoo for villige children- laughing, running, smiling.

Central market place blissin:
`Sit for food- Invitation to do an even devotion one night this week (yet to happen) over the main loud speaker in the central marketplace POrt Villa Vanuatu.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Young Lady in Vanuatu

A young girl shared a bit of her story with me (testimony): A growth on neck. Doctors cut it open. Only found blood no cancer......
Doctors then told her it was a curse from witch doctor(she also had been to witch doctor to try for cure)and that she had three days alive..
They sent her to a small room to die..After trying for cure from all these men she turned to God.........
Now many years later she is still alive...............The growth still appears to be on her neck so i placed my hand on it.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Vanuatu Bliss

Getting fit for flight..........Expression of Bliss Kingdom in Vanuatu.
Bliss out! Booked to be on the Island tomorrow.

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