Tuesday, October 25, 2011

"The whole thing was accomplished before it started." -Robert Farrar Capon

The following is taken from an Interview with Robert Farrar Capon (RC).
Interviewer: Tim Brassell (TB)
Published in: Christian Odyssey

This is a portion taken from say the middleish ha:
"......TB: Does this tie in, would you say, with Romans, where Paul says, "Nothing separates us from the love of God?"
RC: Of course. It’s very hard for the human race to accept that cold: "Nothing separates us from the love of God." We think there must be some breaking point where God would give up on us. "Well, what about if we…?"

Sin is not a problem with God. God solved all his problems with sin before the foundation of the world, in the beginning—and it’s done. The iceberg that lies under the surface of history is the Son of God; redemption is the mystery behind all history. Sin is a permanent irrelevancy. And God is the one to say, "Look, I have taken away the handwriting that was against you."
I like the translation in Matthew, "forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors." What do we do when we don’t forgive somebody else’s debts, or literally, their sins? We carp on what they owe us. We look at the chits that we have saved. This is what you owe me and you haven’t given it to me. There is an IOU I hold against you, and I gotta have this…. Well, it’s not that way with God. With God, it’s done—there is no handwriting against us. It’s done. He’s not holding IOUs.
TB: So why do we have such a love affair with legalism?
RC: It’s something that’s afflicted the church from the start. Humans have a hard time believing that God doesn’t hold IOUs. But Paul says the law cannot save. He says, "He has made him to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in him."
TB: Have you found an effective way to present the gospel to a legalist?
RC: No (laughter). The reason I say no is because all that you’re going to do is present it and shock them. If you try to do it in a winsome way, which I always do, and try to do it to show them the freedom of it, then you’ve got a chance. A small chance, not a big one, but you’ve got a chance—because, when it happens—people go, "Wow!"
I was made visiting professor of something or other in religion at the University of Tulsa for the fall term back in the ’80s or ’90s. I had two classes. One was a 39-week beginning course. I taught the parables, and I had, I would say, everybody against me. All these youngsters were against me because what I was saying was against everything they had ever heard. I pounded and pounded and pounded for 39 weeks. I went through every parable.
One young lady came up to me at the end and said: "You know, when I first came here I didn’t like anything you said, because it contradicted everything I knew. But, you have done something. For the first time in my life I see that it really is good news" (laughter). They thought the gospel was bad news! That’s what legalism does to people."
Find the whole interview here: Robert F. Capon Interview


  1. "The essence of ANY religion is its promise that, if it is followed diligently, God will smile on its practitioners. But the Gospel with which the church is entrusted says that God has already smiled on the WHOLE WORLD in Jesus. The Christian 'religion', therefore, is an oxymoron." - Robert F. Capon

  2. " He has said that as far as God is concerned, we're all home free already, and there's not a single religious thing you or I have to do about it."- Robert Capon
    "In your death I have died to the alteration in my knowing, and by your grace I have risen into your unaltered and unalterable knowledge of me"
    He simply doesn't keep score..... Instead, he erases all our records by death and raises us by grace with nothing but his record left."


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