Monday, February 28, 2011

redeemed innocence

'God delivered Israel out of Pharao but told them to conquer the giants! So often we ask God to do something he has alrady done, now its our turn to declare to ignorant mankind the truth of their salvation!
Israel lived a neutralized life because they believed a lie about themselves. This gospel mobilizes us to be the mirror voice of ev...ery persons true redeemed identity and the integrity of their innocence!'-Francois Du Toit

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Got what you could never gain.

"Christ has opened all His treasuries and given you all your breakthroughs in one fell swoop on the cross!.........your old sinful nature was completely, once and for all circumcised away.....but .... the yeast of Judaic religion still holds strong. For instance, people still pray and beg for holiness. They plead to be "purged." This alone is a telltale sign of absolute unbelief in the finished work of the cross. Religion wants you to kill yourself to earn holiness. There is a straining and a striving that is not suggestive of true faith. Jesus died to give you what you could never gain on your own. Religion gives us reams of books, keys and formulas for trying to get something that we already have as a free gift."- John Crowder: Seven Spirits burning pg55


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

It took effort for Adam to get that DIY tree fruit in his gob and gizzards...I got the fruit from the Tree of Life in my belly freely and effortlessly. I couldn't reach: He rolled in.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Complete party

" And because of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, righteousness and sanctification and redemption (1 Cor. 1:30, ESV)

He is your sanctification. Any system that tries to draw your attention away from the person of Christ and onto your own efforts is Antichrist in nature. Your union with God is not an incomplete relationship that comes progressively. Time is not the magic formula that makes you holy. Jesus' sacrifice made you holy. Christ's work was enough to purify you, spirit, soul and body.
Often, when intellectuals cannot explain something adequately, they use the element of "time" as a magic ingredient to cover up their lack of understanding......" John Crowder- Mystical Union


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