Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Brief updates

Sharing a meal with 2 Friends:

They told me some of their experiences over the past week (as i remember it):

-They went to be with the rejected in hospital: PNG sisters that felt neglected and separated from even the sick- (in cairns hospital).

-God made a way for their accommodation and transport.

-Got feed back from sister on healing of headache and sleeplessness.

-They left their car at the airport for two weeks. Usually after two days the battery is flat and will not start. This time after about a week and a half it started first go ( i Jarah: had it in mind before they even tried that it would start)

- Gave me a report about a family they met: who lost (dead) a couple of loved ones in the sea after being forced to swim to an Island (something to do with a boat sinking). Now they are wanting to follow Jesus as new creations.

-Told me of belief in God to give new hip to her daughter even after the doctors said surgery was required. X-rays in a week or two to confirm.

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