Saturday, October 30, 2010

DIY Tree or Life Tree?

No amount of scrubbing can make you clean when you are totally clean already! There is a happy message that informs us that all D.I.Y systems are irrelevant::::::::::

God's wisdom (revealed in the success of the cross) puts the rest out of business! (When it comes to real answers to the dilemma of mankind,) they have all closed shop, the airy-fairy's, the philosophers, the academics, the smooth-talkers, the lot!
1Co 1:21

By suspicious scrutiny the sense-ruled world surveys the works of God in creation and still do not recognise or acknowledge him; in sharp contrast to this, the foolishness of the message we proclaim brings God's work of saving (his image in) us into faith's focus. (What we preach cancels every basis for boasting in personal contribution, this seems folly to the DIY systems of this world.)
1Co 1:22

The Jews crave signs (to confirm their doubts)
while the Greeks revel in philosophical debate!

(Both groups are addicted to the soul realm)
1Co 1:23

The crucified Christ is the message we publicly proclaim, to the disgust of the Jews while the Greeks think we are wacky!
1Co 1:24

The dynamic of God's wisdom is the fact that both Jew and Greek are surnamed in Christ.
1Co 1:25

It seems so foolish that God should die man's death on the cross, it seems so weak of God to suffer such insult; yet man's wisest schemes and most powerful display of genius cannot even begin to comprehend or compete with God in his weakest moment on the cross.
1Co 1:26

You might as well admit it my Brothers, it was not your academic qualifications or your good looks or social connections that influenced God to identify you in Christ.
1Co 1:27

It is almost as if God deliberately handpicked the wacky of this world to embarrass the wise; the rejects to put to shame the noble.
1Co 1:28-------Mirror Translation

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